How do I create an account with Lotto724?

Creating an account with Lotto724 only takes a few minutes!

Please note: As required by law, upon joining we will verify your name, age and residential address. Please ensure your details match documents like your Passport or Drivers Licence to complete the below process easily.


Click the Sign Up button in the top-right corner of the screen.

Enter your name

Enter your last name


Choose your title


Enter your email address
* Note: Registration confirmation comes to this email address


Enter your password

Re-type Password

Repeat your password


First enter the country code and then your contact number

Choose your date of birth
Enter your country of residence
Enter your state information
Choose your city
Zip/Postal Code
Enter your zip code
Address Line 1
Enter your exact address

Enter more address

Click the “Create a new account” button after completing the form

You can also sign in via Google or Facebook

You will receive a registration confirmation email to confirm that your online account  has been successful.